Revista Română de Studii Eurasiatice

p-ISSN: 1841-477X;  e-ISSN: 2247-4536 

Publicaţie a Centrului de Studii Eurasiatice- Universitatea "Ovidius" din Constanţa, Facultatea de Istorie şi Ştiinţe Politice, Aleea Universităţii nr. 1, Corp A, cam. 112, Constanţa,  900470


Romanian Review of Eurasian Studies 

p-ISSN: 1841-477X;  e-ISSN: 2247-4536 

Publication of the Eurasian Studies Center -"Ovidius" University of Constanta, Faculty of History and Political Science, Aleea Universităţii nr. 1, Corp A, cam. 112, Constanţa, 900470

Editorial Board



      Professor Daniel FLAUT, Ph.D.



Lecturer Marius-George COJOCARU, Ph.D.


Editorial Secretary:

Lecturer Enache TUŞA, Ph.D.



Associate Professor Cristian MOŞNIANU, Ph.D.


Scientific Committee



Ioan Chiper (Bucureşti), Virgil Ciocîltan (Bucureşti), Sorin Liviu Damean (Craiova), Yusuf Halacoglu (Ankara), Constantin Hlihor (Bucureşti), Leonida Moise (Bucureşti), Marian Moşneagu (Bucureşti), Maria Pia Pagani (Pavia), Ştefan Purici (Suceava), Dumitru-Cătălin Rogojanu (Deva), Ioan Scurtu (Bucureşti), Kanji Tsushima (Tokyo), Iolanda Ţighiliu (Bucureşti), Wang Weikun (Xi'an), Silvia Irina Zimmermann (Neuwied)



• Romanian Review of Eurasian Studies is accredited by CNCS (National Research Council), B category, and is indexed in:  Index Copernicus (ICValue 2023: 89.95),

• Revista Română de Studii Eurasiatice (Romanian Review of Eurasian Studies) is included in the catalogues of the following libraries and research institutions libraries:



Obiective şi domeniul de aplicare/Aims and Scope


Revista Română de Studii Eurasiatice (RRSE) foloseşte evaluarea de tip peer-review pentru articolele trimise spre publicare. R.R.S.E. apare o dată pe an, două numere într-un volum anual, la Editura Ovidius University Press a Universităţii ,,Ovidius” din Constanţa. RRSE publică lucrări de înaltă ţinută ştiinţifică, privitoare la civilizaţia, cultura, interferenţele spirituale şi relaţiile internaţionale în spaţiul eurasiatic, în istorie şi în prezent.

Romanian Review of Eurasian Studies (RRSE) is a peer-reviewed journal which appears once a year (two numbers in an annual volume) at the Publishing House Ovidius University Press, Ovidius University of Constanta. RRSE publishes high scientific papers, about the civilization, culture, spiritual interference and international relations in history and today in Eurasian space.

Author Guidelines


Note. Authors are responsible for the choice and presentation of dates contained in the articles, the authenticity and originality and the opinions expressed. These opinions do not involve the editorial board of this journal. However, if the sent articles contain libelous or unlawful statements and contain materials or instructions which might cause injury or harm, will be rejected.

Submission. Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript at the e-mail addresses and under the condition that all authors have seen and approved the submitted manuscript. Articles will be written in Microsoft Word. There is no page limit. Only online submissions are accepted to facilitate rapid publication. Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be accepted. The articles must be written in English, French or German (with an abstract in English and Romanian). The articles must have keywords, authors affiliation and e-mail addresses of the authors.

Peer Review Process


In terms of quality, the peer review process is essential. The peer-review process has two steps: Internal Peer Review Process and External Peer Review Process.


Internal Peer Review Process

Each submitted article goes to an editor assigned by the Editorial Board. According to the topic of the article, proper to the topic of the journal or for the choice and presentation of dates contained in the articles, the authenticity and originality and the opinions expressed, the assigned editor decides to send the manuscript to a referee or to reject it. If the paper is rejected, the editor will send to author the reason(s) of rejection.


External Peer Review Process

The assigned editors, upon consulting the editorial board, identify potential reviewers, experts in the field of the submitted article. The choice is based on their expertise in the field, rigor and scientific methodology. Potential reviewers are contacted by the Editorial Board about their availability and interest in reviewing. After their agreement, they will receive the paper and are asked to fill the review form. The deadline for fill the review form is accepted with the agreement of both parts, but no longer than 3 weeks. According to the recommendations of reviewers, the article can be accepted, sent back to the author for minor revisions, sent back to the author to be resubmitted or rejected.

The average time during which the preliminary assessment of manuscripts is conducted: 3 days.

The average time during which the reviews of manuscripts are conducted: 21 days.

The average time in which the article is published: 120 days.

No publication fee.


Peer Review form


Guide for completion the Peer-Review form


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